Monday, February 13, 2006

We Need Government Assistance

A cry for government help from those that need it most.

Its for the good of the country - for the good of the people. A statement like this and a following rant would normally be on my A Sovereign Speculator pages.

This time I read a well written page over at the
321 gold site. 321 gold and their sister site 321 energy have interesting speculation information, and occasional insight pieces like A Tale Of Two Railroads.

I by no means agree with all the insight pieces
321 gold lists, but I will read and consider the ones that are not bombastic. (I dislike reading name callers - and anyone that shouts "always, should have, never, every instance" and offers no balance or proof for their slanted opinions)

Larry LaBorde wrote a short and informative historical piece that has significant application to current world events.

Take the minute or two required to read A Tale Of Two Railroads.

I'm sure that even though Larry LaBorde does not shout out conclusions, you will be see his point, and give it fair consideration.

Your world view is important in your understanding of speculative markets.

All markets are speculative markets.



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